Beloved pets that have passed away

And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them…
and always will.

Please click on each picture to learn
more about each pet

Coco 13.05.2023
Coco 13.05.2023
Today was the hardest and most heartbreaking day as we had to say goodbye to our little maneen Coco. After nearly 16 yrs of total love, loyalty, compensation and friendship of our four legged family member we 4 have now become 3. People have often asked have you family and I would always say oh god yes there’s 4 of us. My daughter my hubby our beautiful dog Coco and myself. Now there’s only 3. The 3 lost amigos. We will bounce back in time but anyone that has lost a family pet will tell you it’s devastating.
The hardest part is that you have to make that decision. We know in our hearts that Coco is now running free (without a lead) and chasing a ball his favourite thing to do.
Run free and easy our little maneen we will never never forget you.
Love always Des, Julie & your best friend Sarah.
Mia 16.11.2021
Mia 16.11.2021

Little Mía was a ball of energy that couldn’t quiet. She was always eager to run like a bullet chasing the ball.
She peaked mountains with ease and dived through every river she found. She never said no to an adventure.
No toys, no teddy bears, no bones..any kind of stone was the best present you could give it to her. She just really loved them.
The beach her favorite place since she was a puppy, chasing the cats her favourite hobby, adventurer, lover of nature and also whatever you had in your plate at breakfast, lunch, dinner..any time!
Really good with her little human sister, patient and at the same time delighted to receive all the blows, fingers inside the eye, pull hairs, whatever it was coming from her, she was always by her side giving her love like the rest of the family.
Filled our lives with happiness and for this we are forever grateful. Mia has left this world better than she found it. Although her body couldn’t make it to the end, her memory and spirit lives on in our hearts. She was our family and was always a friend.

Mia, you were a champion.

You weren’t simply just a good girl, you were the best.

Pip 10.07.2021
Pip 10.07.2021

Pip and his brother Pep were in the small print of the contract for the house I moved into in summer 2013. Well that’s how it seemed, since they already “owned” my garden and the one next door! I started feeding them, gave them a box in the shed, and they let me pretend I owned them! Pip was always the outdoor cat… he challenged all comers and emerged without a scratch! It took me ages to get near enough to stroke him, but when I finally did, he loved to have his ribs tickled and gave out a great loud purr!!
I’ll miss seeing him racing down the garden at breakfast, more interested in a rub than in being fed.
Pip was irreplaceable… but life has a habit of bringing new adventures – to a “cat person” like me, they’re very often in feline form!

Boo 23.07.2021
Boo 23.07.2021

Boo came into our lives 7 years ago. He showed up at our door and decided we were to be his family. And so we were. He was the sweetest cat ever. Boo leaves an empty space in our hearts, and on our stairs, where he liked to sleep. We will forever miss our sweet Boo. Angela, Rod, Gabi, Alex, and his feline brothers Mimo and Malandro.

Tilly 16.07.2021
Tilly 16.07.2021

Tilly had ten years of an active life, running, swimming and disappearing in forests before her Cocker Spaniel nose guided her back to the car. Arthritis pushed her into three years of content retirement. Happy to go in the car, happy to go to the groomer, happy to visit the vet and always happy when there was food. Her spirit was reflected in her tail which was in a semi-permanent state of wagging. Just shy of fourteen she said goodbye, her final act was a wag of the tail.

Oscar 18.05.2021
Oscar 18.05.2021
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” – Josh Billings
It’s hard to find one singular descriptive word for the relationship that Oscar gave. He was a warm, gentle & an endearing friend with a beautiful way of life.
Oscar was more that a dog…he was a little life that was always happy to hear you walk in the door! He loved when he would hear the word “walkies” and his ears perked up! He loved his spins in the car, hanging out the window with the wind blowing.
After losing his eye sight, age took the better of him and at aged 15 he said his final farewell.
Oscar was always there…he gave us everything he needed to give us in a companion & a family member.
The house is empty without Oscar now but we are grateful for all the memories.
Boddie 05.05.2021
Boddie 05.05.2021
We adopted Boddie and his pal from a rescue shelter 15 years ago. Since then he brought so much love and happiness to our home.
He had a great sense of humour and mischief. He loved to steal socks and run around the house with them, with us chasing after him. He loved being outdoors and never missed his daily walks no matter what the weather.
We miss him every day, but are cheered up by reminders of all the happy times we had with him.
Kitty 08.05.2021
Kitty 08.05.2021
We were supposed to have a cat …. but we found her as a puppy…so her name was so perfect for her 😉
She was the most fun, crazy and devoted member of our pack…and always will be…
Jack 10.05.2021
Jack 10.05.2021

Jack was our dog for 11 years, having come to us as a rescue dog aged around 2. He didn’t like other dogs and barked at the birds a lot but was great around people.

We will miss him.

Colleen 05.05.2021
Colleen 05.05.2021
She was a little diva 💓
She was such a Lady to everyone & was the most Gentle Soul you will ever meet ..
  if this Lady could talk she would say a lot
 ” shoot another shot of me there”  she was such a little Poser & a Pocket Rocket.  Her energy was Loving.
She loved going to the Vets, it was never a problem for her. It was like going to the beach or on a routine road trip. She would skip anywhere to get her photo taken. Kids in her area just adored her, even the boys who are teenagers now, she took the ball for Man United .. this Lady was well known in her estate in her day..
She was a real cutie  Trooper.
She skipped to Salthill from Merlin for years before her Arthritis kicked in at 15years she was still going Strong… as her Springer Spaniel streak is High energy… She Loved Life to death & for a dog, you would  💓  her Soul ..
Loved by so many & missed greatly.
God Speed Colleen. 🌈  💓
Loftus 01.05.2021
Loftus 01.05.2021

Loftus was a great guard dog who would bark at any noise at the door,but was so loving to everyone who came into our house,he would roll over for a belly rub or a rub under his chin.he loved his spin out in the car. He will be sadly missed by us all.